Compiling and Running C on A Raspberry Pi
Introduction To compile C on a Raspberry Pi you need GCC which is already included in a linux distro.
Introduction To compile C on a Raspberry Pi you need GCC which is already included in a linux distro.
Raspberry Pi Dashboard Introduction This is a tutorial to create a dashboard for your raspberry pi. Actually you don’t create it but just download it instead. You can still edit or completely remake the Dashboard only by learning some HTML, CSS, JavaScript. For the backend I have used JavaScript and Python. Now lets take a … Read more
Change Text Color in C To change the text color in C you need to install my ‘.c’ file using the link below : Change-Colour After downloading the file copy it and paste it in C > MinGW > include Then you need to include my file like this ‘#include <Change_Colour.c>‘ The basic code will … Read more
In this tutorial I will tell you how to control a servo motor with Arduino Mega/Uno/Nano. First we will create the circuit. Then we will include the header file ‘<servo.h>‘ We have to create the servo object like this : Servo myservo;’ Then we will write ‘ myservo.attach(9)‘ to specify to which pin we have … Read more
In this tutorial I will tell you how to make a loading screen in C with my ‘.c’ file. So for this you will need ‘Loading Screen.c’ which you can get using the link below : Loading-Screen-C After downloading the file copy it and paste it in C > MinGW > include The basic code … Read more
In this tutorial I will explain you the functions in C. Basics Of Function This is our basic code structure : #include <stdio.h> int main() { /* code */ return 0; } Now if I want to ask a user input for five times and print it back then the code will be as follows … Read more
This is a tutorial for hotel management in C. This program can be used for managing a hotel or a shop. It helps us to create Bill. I have programmed it in VS Code. It will make an ‘.exe’ file so that it can be executed on any computer. #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> … Read more